Saturday, November 4, 2023 at 11:00 AM ET
South Norwalk Library
Community Room
10 Washington Street, Norwalk CT 06854
About this talk:
Simple ideas, about God’s nature and about our nature as expressions of God, stir something new in our consciousness. They work in us in ways that change our lives and our health for the better. But how do we find these healing ideas consistently? We’ll look at the teachings of Christ Jesus, our best and most practical example. And I’ll share how this approach has transformed lives, including a mother and her infant daughter who each experienced healing. With ideas from God working on our behalf this way, we discover that we’re never truly alone.
Saturday, November 4, 2023 at 2:00 PM ET
Westport Library,
Komansky Room
20 Jesup Road, Westport CT 06880
About this talk:
“Giving freely of ourselves and what we all gain,” a talk by practitioner of Christian Science healing and international speaker, Melanie Wahlberg. The talk will focus on universal healing precepts found in the Holy Bible, especially in Christ Jesus’ life and teachings, showing how they are available for anyone to understand and experience through the lens of Christian Science. The talk is free, open to the community, and sponsored by First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Westport.
“When we feel overwhelmed by life’s problems, we may want to try to get more from the world,” says Ms. Wahlberg. “But when we do the opposite-give more of ourselves or focus on the God-given qualities we already have to express or contribute, we find that we end up not lacking anything. Really, we gain the unexpected good of joy, health, and strength that move our lives and the world forward.”
Sharing examples of healing from her own life and professional practice of Christian Science, Ms. Wahlberg will explain why Christian Science is both Christian and scientific, meaning that people can prove its effectiveness for themselves, as fully described in the book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, written by the founder of the Christian Science movement, Mary Baker Eddy.
Ms. Wahlberg will also touch on the life of Mary Baker Eddy, and how she came to understand, confirm, and teach what she felt was original Christian healing. Eddy herself said she was especially inspired by Jesus’ demand, “He that believes on me, the works that I do will he do also; and greater works than these will he do, because I go unto my Father” (found in the Gospel of John 14:12 in the Bible).
For over 150 years, people around the world have worked to follow Christ Jesus in this practice of Christianity and continue to do so today, with healings of physical ills and personal difficulties.
(Never Alone: How Spiritual Ideas Work in Us)
Domingo 5
de noviembre
a las 2:00 PM
(Sunday, November 5, 2023 at 2:00 PM ET)
Biblioteca de South Norwalk, centro para adolescentes de nivel inferior, 10 Washington Street, Norwalk CT 06854
(Norwalk Library, Lower level teen center, 10 Washington Street, Norwalk CT 06854)
Acerca de esta charla:
Cuando nos sentimos atascados, naturalmente queremos respuestas. Sería muy tranquilizador sentirnos apoyados en nuestros esfuerzos por progresar, en vez de sentirnos solos. En esta charla hablo sobre lo que me ha resultado útil en mi práctica sanadora de la Ciencia Cristiana: una forma de experimentar que Dios es la presencia activa del bien en nuestras vidas, y que es una fuente confiable de nuevas ideas que traen soluciones llenas de inspiración.
Las ideas de Dios, arraigadas en la espiritualidad que constituye nuestra verdadera naturaleza, suscitan algo nuevo en nuestra consciencia. Elevan nuestra perspectiva –a veces antes de que nos demos cuenta– de maneras que cambian nuestra vida y nuestra salud para mejor.
About our Speaker, Melanie Wahlberg, CS:
Two influences that Melanie will never forget were the Christian Science Sunday School and a mom who turned to prayer and encouraged her to do the same. These influences showed her something of the reliability of God and spiritual inspiration, and trusting this helped her find her way growing up. Significant healing experiences with relationship and food issues, and violence in the community, were also unforgettable. From this, Melanie got an idea of the many ways that Christian Science can transform lives.
After finishing a doctorate in mathematics, Melanie became a college professor and truly enjoyed teaching. She found that teaching was less about telling students something than facilitating the students’ discoveries of new concepts. There was nothing better than witnessing a reluctant student realize that a previously mystifying concept was actually within reach to anyone.
But the higher promise of Christian Science beckoned her to help people redeem and uplift their lives in a fuller way. When students came to her office for help with calculus, Melanie and her students often found themselves talking about the joy and excitement of growing spirituality. After just two years at the college, Melanie resigned from her position and began accepting calls as a Christian Science practitioner. She wrote articles for the Christian Science periodicals, was a frequent guest on Sentinel radio, and began advertising her practice in The Christian Science Journal in 2004. She and her husband also started a family.
Melanie loves working from her home office in the Los Angeles area. She likes to see lives transformed by the healing ideas of Christian Science, where we ourselves are helped and, at the same time, find we can help others. Her life as a mom has a lot of the same focus. And whether the spiritual ideas apply to health issues, school, social lives, or sports, her three kids push her to “keep it real.”